06 January 2009

My new home *sigh*

I'm sure it'll go down in the history books - the great journalspace crash of 2008. And to think the world kept turning...

In any case - this will now be my new "what's new in Dylan's life" blog. If you're an old JS friend and want to read my more personal journal, it's on another site so just message me.

Otherwise - you're stuck with silly pictures and stories that may entertain you but don't really have a moral to the story. Hmm.. Mindless entertainment. A truly exploitable concept..

-Dylan James


Mandazoid said...

Glad to see you're here!

Linda said...

I'm SO happy to find you! Let me know where you are blogging. I'm thinking of setting up a personal blog myself..no "fav's only" here. Happy New Year! So good to see you!

greeneyes67 said...

Sad and historical event huh? I think this place is pretty cool, miss the home page though. Glad you found me :)

Anonymous said...

There you are! I was wondering about you today.

ok where is your super secret cool blog?

Email me :
