06 January 2009

Web Mastering Skills

Does anyone have any cool web design skills? You know, like nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills... Ahem. Moving on. The point is, I'm creating a website. And after hours of random fiddling I've realized that I know as much about web design as my grandmother knows about Paris Hilton. That is (I hope) not very much.

I'm a big do-it-yourself type. I don't like being taught, I like figuring things out. But I'm a big enough man to admit when there may be a slight chance that I might need a pointer here and there. Possibly...


The end.


Mandazoid said...

When I was first learning the basics of tweaking layouts and that kind of stuff, this website was MASSIVELY helpful:


Hope that helps! :o)

Platteborze Possy said...

yeah, good luck with that, hee hee!

Simon Butler said...

Do you mean a new website or this blog? The former is probably simpler, especially if you like a minimalist appearance. Even I can create a very basic site, and have done. The latter requires knowing about Blogger’s own proprietary coding (or at least functions), widgets and god knows what else.

But either way, your best approach is to look for tutorials on the web, and search using Google for specific methods or solutions. You’ll learn a lot of the finer points this way.